Living donor liver transplantation presents an alternative to the traditional deceased liver transplantation.

For individuals awaiting a liver, the outcomes may seem bleak — nationwide, more than 14,000 individuals are waiting for a liver transplant, and in 2016, fewer than 7,500 transplants were performed.

Now, patients have another choice: living donor liver transplantation. Patients can get transplanted sooner, and a living donor transplantation typically lasts longer with better outcomes.

Learn more about this procedure.

Living Donor Liver Transplantation at Weill Cornell Medicine

Make an Appointment

Upper East Side
1305 York Avenue, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10021
P: (646) 962-GIFT (4438)
41 Elizabeth Street, Suite 507
New York, NY 10013
P: (646) 962-GIFT (4438)
Sunset Park
749 61st Street, Suite 301
Brooklyn, NY 11220
P: (646) 962-GIFT (4438)