Mindfulness and Meditation: Benefits and Practical Tips

Find out what mindful meditation is, how it can help you maximize your physical and mental health and simple ways to add it to your routine.

Seeing Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Yourself Clearly

Body dysmorphic disorder impacts mental health and daily life. Learn more about BDD symptoms and how to get it under control.

Podcast: Supporting Your Teen's Mental Health

In this episode of Kids Health Cast, Dr. Andrea Temkin-Yu discusses the rising trends of anxiety and mental health disorders among teenagers.

Weill Cornell Medicine Physicians Honored in 2025 as the Best in the Country and the New York Metro Area

This year, once again, Weill Cornell Medicine’s physicians have been named the best in the country. So say their peers—250,000 leading doctors nationwide—who reported their selections to Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., a New York City research and information company that publishes the annual guidebooks America’s Top Doctors and Top Doctors: New York Metro Area.

Infographic: Going Dry This January?

If you want to gain better control over your alcohol or drug intake, take advantage of Dry January.

Managing the New Stress of a New Year

Every day comes with stress. However, you can manage your stress well in the New Year. Follow these tips to get started.

Stay on Top of Your Family’s Health in 2025

Want to make 2025 another great year for your family? Take steps today to protect your family’s health tomorrow and all year long.

Infographic: Thriving During SAD Season

If winter’s short days and overcast skies get you down, it may be seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 1 in 20 American adults experience this winter-based depression. Here’s how to make it to brighter days.

Mental Health Matters in the Adolescent Years

Mental health issues often arise during the adolescent years. Would you recognize the signs and know what to do? Read this and you will.

Political Discord Within Families: How to Cope

In pre-internet days—before the explosion of online news outlets and before social media, with its insulated “bubbles” of opinion—we were all receiving roughly the same information from a smaller number of television channels and print publications. The way we receive political information nowadays leads to more polarized discourse, says Dr. Shannon Bennett, Assistant Professor of Psychology in Clinical Psychiatry and Assistant Attending Psychologist at Weill Cornell Medicine.

The Wellness Qlinic: A Unique Mental Health Resource for LGBTQ+ Adults

At the Wellness Qlinic at Weill Cornell Medicine, that future has arrived. This innovative program provides free, student-run mental health services to the LGBTQ+ community in New York City and the New York Metro Area. Medical students, psychology trainees and psychiatry residents, as well as their faculty supervisors, see it as a model for affirming mental health care, as well as for education, clinical experience and research.

Bully, Be Gone! Prevention Tips for Home, School and Beyond

Is your child being bullied or bullying others? Use these tips to help your child build resilience and to prevent future bullying.

Podcast: On Election Year Stress: Is American politics hurting our mental health?

In this special election year episode, host Dr. Daniel Knoepflmacher engages with Dr. Richard Friedman to explore the psychological toll of contemporary American politics. They discuss how polarization, uncertainty, and political violence contribute to rising levels of stress, anxiety, and depression across different segments of society. Dr. Friedman explains how to differentiate between normal emotional responses to the electoral process and clinically significant mental health issues. He also... Read More

Infographic: Empowering Suicide Prevention and Hope

In 2022 alone, nearly 50,000 Americans died of suicide, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Here’s how you can protect yourself and your loved ones.

Join Us for a Virtual Discussion on Hope and Healing with Addiction Experts

On Wednesday, September 11, from 7:00-8:00 p.m., Weill Cornell Medicine will host the first in a series of “SAFE Conversations”—a monthly discussion series focusing on substance use disorders.

How’s Your Sexual Health Awareness?

Do you pay attention to your sexual health? Learn what a healthy relationship looks like and how to prevent, recognize and treat STIs.

Understanding, Surviving and Preventing Overdose

Overdose can happen at any age. With education, substance abuse experts and treatment, you can survive and avoid overdosing in the future.

Infographic: Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental health is part of being healthy for everyone.

Podcast: On Body Dysmorphic Disorder: What To Do When The Mirror Lies

In this episode on On The Mind, host Dr. Daniel Knoepflmacher speaks with Dr. Katharine Phillips about body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Dr. Phillips provides a comprehensive overview of BDD, describing how major distortions in self-perception lead to significant impairment and suffering. She explains why this diagnosis is often missed or misunderstood, explores its wide-ranging impact, and identifies effective, evidence-backed treatments designed to help those struggling with BDD.

Listen to Weill Cornell Medicine Podcasts on YouTube Music

For several years, Weill Cornell Medicine has been offering podcasts on a wide range of health topics. In addition to the channels where our podcasts are typically found, we’ve started adding them to our YouTube channel, making it easier for you to access the information that’s especially helpful and relevant to you.