Patient Care Blog

fall allergies

Understanding Fall Allergies & COVID-19

As the fall allergy season gets underway, the more typical symptoms that allergy-sufferers feel may be somewhat heightened by awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic. Aaron N. Pearlman, M.D., FACS, attending otolaryngologist at Weill Cornell Medicine, helps sort out what to expect this season, the signs and symptoms, and what options patients with allergies may want to discuss with their specialists.

woman seeing her doctor

Podcast: Importance of Gynecologic Screenings

Evelyn Cantillo, MD, MPH discusses the importance of gynecologic screenings as part of women's health. She highlights the vital information every woman should know so that she can be her own best advocate throughout her health journey.

black doctor

Health Equities and Racial Disparities: The Pandemic Within a Pandemic

When a Weill Cornell Medicine faculty panel recently convened online to discuss, “Health Equities and Racial Disparities, the Pandemic within a Pandemic,” they touched on ways that underrepresented communities can make inroads in professional medical fields.

breast cancer women's group

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we at Weill Cornell Medicine, including the Meyer Cancer Center and NewYork-Presbyterian, are dedicated to continuing to deliver world class care in the prevention and treatment of the disease.

Dr. William J. Ledger

In Memoriam: Dr. William J. Ledger

Weill Cornell Medicine is deeply saddened by the loss of our dear friend and colleague Dr. William J. Ledger, a pioneer in the diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic infections. Dr. Ledger was named the Given Foundation Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Weill Cornell Medicine in 1979, when he was appointed Chairman of the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Ledger held this position until 1999 and then became the Given Foundation Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology... Read More

black women making heart sign with her hands

World Heart Day: The Care Team at Cardiothoracic Surgery

Today is World Heart Day and this year, COVID-19 has dramatically changed our world and we've felt the impact of it on the front lines here at Weill Cornell Medicine. As we prepare to move forward together in the safest way possible, we want to keep you informed about some of the latest developments at the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery.

family on the couch together

Podcast: Assessing Your Family's Mental Health

Andrea Temkin, Psy.D, examines how to assess your family's mental health. She offers advice on how to cope with the stress of Covid-19 and resources for families that may be struggling with their mental health. She shares helpful tips for how parents and kids can support each other during tough times.

prostate cancer ribbon

September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed solid organ tumor in men in the United States, with one of seven men developing this disease over their lifetime. Know the facts around early detection, diagnosis, and treatment for men during National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

family happy together

Peas in a Pod: Mental Wellness for the Entire Family

Many families have been struggling to find their emotional footing during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a recent online interactive webinar, “Peas in a Pod: Mental Wellness for the Entire Family,” Weill Cornell Medicine brought together a WCM psychiatrist and two clinical psychologists to discuss how families can improve their mental wellness together.

man receiving a covid test

Keeping Up With Your COVID-19 Tests

In this second session of a three-part series sponsored by WCM and, we discussed what New Yorkers need to know about the current state of the pandemic and how we can take good care of ourselves.