Patient Care Blog

Cesare Bonventre and his cousin Josephine Bonventre

Links in the Chain: Giving and Receiving Kidneys

Cesare Bonventre and his cousin Josephine Bonventre — who, as patients at Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian — were part of one of the longest kidney transplant chains ever undertaken.

Wife's Kidney Donation Saved Her Husband's Life

How a Wife's Kidney Donation Saved Her Husband's Life

Joan McComas was determined to save Bill's life with her kidney donation — if only they could find a hospital willing to do the transplant. Read their story at NewYork-Presbyterian's Health Matters site.

Helping Out a Friend Through a Living Donation

When Matt Felix's liver began to fail, he knew needed a transplant. Word spread fast about his condition, eventually making its way to Pat Kacani, one of his college friends."I was sitting at my desk and reading it and I was like, 'Oh, man,'" Kacani told WTVR. "I was like, 'I can do this. It is going to be me.'"Kacani volunteered to donate part of his healthy liver to help Felix, and eventually found out he was a match.... Read More

Q&A: Why Does My Nose Get Stuffy After a Workout?

Q&A: Why Does My Nose Get Stuffy After a Workout?

The question: A lot of times when I push myself hard during a workout, I feel like I have a mini cold for like three hours, and then it goes away. Why does this happen?