Dr. Sonal Kumar uses a FibroScan.

ICHANGE takes a patient-centered approach that involves personalized assessments, such as:

Inbody® Analysis

During your appointment, we may measure your body composition to understand more about your weight. Body weight is the sum of body fat mass (fat) and lean body mass (muscle). Body composition is a better marker of health than weight alone and will be tracked over time. You can find a more detailed explanation of the most important parts of your report below.

Inbody Analysis

A – Muscle-Fat Analysis

  • Weight—your weight in pounds
  • SMM (skeletal muscle mass)—your muscle in pounds
  • Body fat mass—your body fat in pounds

B – Obesity Analysis

  • BMI (body mass index)—a measure of height to weight
    • A healthy BMI is 18.5–24.9.
    • A BMI >25.0 is considered too high and may be associated with poorer health.
  • PBF (percent body fat)—a measure of your total fat as compared to your total weight
    • A healthy PBF in women is 20.0–30.0 depending on age.
    • A healthy PBF in men is 10.0–25.0 depending on age.



For patients with suspected liver steatosis, or “fatty liver,” it’s important to understand their risk of developing progressive liver damage, which is made of scar or “fibrosis.” We use FibroScan®, a non-invasive, specialized ultrasound, along with other imaging and lab tests, to help determine the health of your liver and guide treatment choices. We also use FibroScan® to periodically monitor for improvement or worsening of liver fat and scarring. These markers are used to determine your risk of developing more serious complications of liver disease including cirrhosis, which is when the liver develops a lot of scar tissue and no longer works properly.

Important Things to Know About Your FibroScan®:

  • The measure of liver stiffness and fat content, also known as the CAP score, is reported as an average of ten measurements obtained at the time of the exam.
  • No test is perfect for determining exact liver fat and scar content, but the higher the CAP score, the more fat is estimated in the liver, and the higher the stiffness, the more scarring is estimated in the liver.
  • Certain factors can make readings on a FibroScan® less accurate, including eating within 3–4 hours of the test, which is why we recommend fasting.
  • FibroScan® isn’t the best test for everyone. Our specialists may recommend a different test depending on your anatomy, liver tests or treatment considerations.
  • It takes time to show changes on the FibroScan®, so we monitor trends annually.

Treatment and Support

Because obesity is a chronic disease that requires a comprehensive treatment plan, we offer dietary counseling, exercise plans, anti-obesity medications and weight loss procedures. Our physicians and team members will work with you to tailor a plan that meets your needs and supports your goals.

Dietary Counseling

We work closely with a team of expert dietitians who provide personalized counseling via telehealth visits. There is no additional out of pocket expense for these sessions.

Exercise Plans

We understand the importance of physical activity in promoting and maintaining weight loss. Additionally, we promote movement to strengthen muscles and reduce health risks. We will track this

Anti-Obesity Medications

New medications are now available to help with weight loss planning in those who qualify. We use a personalized approach to chose the right medication and then optimize lifestyle changes to improve tolerance and enhance success.

Weight Loss Procedures

We offer endoscopic bariatric procedures within our gastroenterology clinic and work closely with our bariatric surgery team.