Patient Care Blog

Highlighted text that reads "Bladder cancer"

Podcast: The Science of Bladder Cancer

In this episode of CancerCast: Conversations About New Developments in Medicine, Cancer Care and Research, Dr. Bishoy Faltas discusses how cancer biology can be used to inform treatment decisions.

Feature patient Timothy is smiling with his dog sitting on his lap

Courage, Humor, and a Life Saving Decision Helped Timothy Beat Prostate Cancer

Like so many, cancer has played too significant a role in Timothy Bellavia’s life. He had melanoma at 26 and then went on to support his cousin, uncle, and father during their battles with prostate cancer—and later grieve their passing.  Timothy’s story is a powerful example of how patients can take charge of their health. He not only sought out crucial information early, but also choose the best treatment option for his body and future. “I know,” he asserted, “that I made the right choices for... Read More

Infant sleeping on his back

Podcast: How You And Your Baby Can Enjoy A Good Night’s Rest

In this episode of Kids Health Cast, Dr. Paul Chung discusses safe infant sleep habits and offers tips to help you get your baby to sleep.

Older woman with adult son talking to doctor

Podcast: Improving Communication Among Physicians, Patients and Loved Ones

Cancer patients can make informed treatment decisions if they have a realistic sense of what lies ahead. This episode of "CancerCast: Conversations About New Developments in Medicine, Cancer Care and Research" shares tips for patients to communicate effectively with their doctors.

Image of a medical linear accelerator (LINAC), which is used by radiation oncologists to treat cancer.

Podcast: Radiation Therapy – What’s It All About?

What is radiation and how is it used to treat cancer? Find out in this episode of CancerCast: Conversations About New Developments in Medicine, Cancer Care and Research.

Teen girl using her cell phone

Podcast: Unplugging Your Children from Their Digital Devices, Cyber Bulling and More

In this episode of Kids Health Cast, Dr. Moitri Savard shares tips for parents on cyber bullying, how to monitor your child's online activities, and so much more.

Dr. Rahul Sharma from the Department of Emergency Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine.

Dr. Rahul Sharma Named a Top 25 Innovator in the Healthcare Industry

Modern Healthcare has named Dr. Rahul Sharma – the emergency physician-in-chief at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine – a top 25 innovator in the healthcare industry. This list recognizes executives who are initiating and leading transformation across the healthcare industry. “Dr. Sharma is a true innovator who... Read More

Researchers working in a lab

Podcast: ASCO 2019 Key Highlights

In this episode of CancerCast: Conversations About New Developments in Medicine, Cancer Care and Research, learn about the most significant research presented at the 2019 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting.

Patient in Weill Cornell Medicine's downtown imaging location.

Weill Cornell Imaging at NewYork-Presbyterian Recognized for 'Putting the Glam in Mammogram'

The New York Times recently featured Weill Cornell Imaging at NewYork-Presbyterian for the ways it is trying to make mammogram visits more comfortable.

Close-up of a woman adjusting a scale

Podcast: The Obesity-Cancer Connection

This episode of CancerCast: Conversations About New Developments in Medicine, Cancer Care and Research discusses how lifestyle factors such as diet and physical inactivity may contribute to the development and progression of cancer.