Patient Care Blog

thyroid ultrascan

Tierra’s First Major Medical Event: Scarless Thyroid Surgery

While adjusting to life in New York City during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, Tierra was alarmed to discover a protrusion in the left side of her neck.

exercising with mask on at the gym

Give Yourself Time to Ease Back Into Fitness

“As we emerge from the past year, recognize that you may not be the same person you were physically, mentally, or spiritually,” Dr. Siddiqi says. “Be kind to yourself.”

Toni Iacolucci

Continuing Advocacy for Patients with Hearing Loss

Although changes in her hearing became noticeable in her early 20s, Toni Iacolucci realizes she probably began to change her behavior to accommodate the hearing loss as a child.

black dad and daughter outside

Podcast: Keeping Your Family Safe This Summer During COVID-19

Chandrika Sridharamurthy, M.D. shares tips on how to keep your family safe this summer during COVID-19 and beyond.

woman worried at home

Post-Pandemic Anxiety: Life is Returning to Normal, So Why Do You Feel Anxious?

You’re fully vaccinated, New York is reopening, and life is getting back to normal. So, why are you anxious? Instead of joy, you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and can’t stop asking yourself: How should I behave around others? Should I continue to physically distance? Should I shake a stranger’s hand? Do I even want to?

Healthy Weight Management During COVID-19

Infographic: Healthy Weight Management During COVID-19

Worried that you may have overindulged in comfort foods during the COVID-19 pandemic? You’re not alone. If having an extra helping or two of your favorite foods has caught up to your waistline during the pandemic, there are creative ways to get your health back on track.

woman with sore arm near vaccine injection site

What to Do About COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects

Your first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine may leave you with a sore arm, mild headache, or fatigue. Don’t be surprised, however, if your second dose hits you harder with side effects that make you want to sleep or simply stay in bed all day. Is this normal? Yes.

skin exam with doctor

Podcast: Neurofibromatosis (NF)

Evan Noch M.D., PhD discusses what patients should know about neurofibromatosis (NF).

doctor examines patient's skin

Podcast: Skin Cancer and Melanoma

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. Everything you need to know about how to prevent skin cancer, who is at highest risk, what treatment entails and much more.

covid-19 variants

Variants Could Be Keeping COVID-19 Numbers High

Even though more than half of American adults are partially vaccinated and 50% of all Americans are fully vaccinated, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the number of COVID-19 infections remains high. Why?