Vaccine Information and Updates


Questions about getting a measles booster or antibodies?

Born before 1957?
  • You likely had measles as a child, giving you natural immunity. So, you're generally considered protected.
Born between 1957 and 1989?
  • You probably received at least one measles vaccine.
  • One dose is good (about 93% effective), but two doses are better (about 97% effective).
  • Two-dose vaccination wasn't standard until 1989.
Unsure of your vaccination status?
  • If you don't know how many measles shots you had, getting another MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine is recommended.
  • This is a precaution, even though the risk of measles in New York is currently low, and most people are adequately protected
Why get another shot?
  • It's a simple way to ensure you're fully protected.
  • It is easier and more effective to give a booster dose of the vaccine than to test everyone’s antibody levels.
  • There are only few reasons not to get the shot (if you are or could be pregnant, immunosuppressed, or have history of severe allergic reaction to the MMR shot or any of its ingredients)
What To Do:
  • Get an MMR vaccine: Schedule a nurse visit to receive one dose of the MMR vaccine. If you are a Medicare patient, get the vaccine at your local pharmacy.
  • Talk to your doctor: If you want to discuss this further before getting the shot, schedule a video visit with your physician.
  • Check the CDC website: For detailed information about measles and the vaccine, visit the CDC's Measles FAQ page. This website will also give you information about contraindications to the vaccine.


Weill Cornell Medicine, in partnership with NewYork-Presbyterian, is committed to keeping you safe and protecting you and your loved ones from COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccinations are available to eligible groups.

Patients Eligible for Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines

For a first or second dose:

  • All individuals age 6 month and over who reside in the United States

For a new booster dose:

  • Received your last booster shot or completed your primary series of the COVID-19 vaccine at least two months ago.
  • For Moderna booster, you must be 6 months old or older.
  • For Pfizer booster, you must be 6 monhts old or older.

For more information on vaccine booster doses and eligibility, please visit the CDC for the latest guidance.

Sign Up for Connect for Updates

You will need an appointment to receive the vaccine. You may schedule yours and receive all vaccine information updates through our Connect patient portal. To ensure your Connect account is active or to sign up for a new one, please visit here to login or register.

COVID-19 Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions

Why vaccinate against COVID-19?

Currently, there is no cure for this potentially deadly virus. The COVID-19 vaccine is a proven and safe way to help your body defend itself by developing immunity to it. 

Are the vaccines safe and effective?

Yes. Since none of the vaccines contain live coronavirus, they cannot give you COVID-19. Millions of Americans have received these vaccines without major unexpected side effects. In very rare cases, people experienced serious allergic reactions, but these have generally occurred in individuals with a history of serious allergic reactions.

The vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe COVID-19 and resulting complications. They significantly lower your risk of becoming acutely ill from the virusbeing hospitalized, or dying from it. 

To learn more about U.S. COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials, please visit 

Can I contract COVID-19 from the vaccine?

No. It is impossible for the vaccine to give you COVID-19; it does not use the live virus that causes COVID-19.

What are some side effects to the COVID-19 vaccine?

The most common reaction is soreness at the injection site in the upper arm. Other reactions may include fatigue, headache, muscle or joint aches, or less commonly, fever. These normal reactions, which are more likely to occur with the second dose, indicate that your body is building immunity.

To learn more about possible side effects, please review
 Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines. 

I’ve already had COVID-19. Do I still need to get vaccinated?

Yes. It is still possible to become re-infected, and the vaccine may provide extra protection.

Who should not get the COVID-19 vaccine?

The vaccine is not recommended for people who may be allergic to its ingredientsare taking medications or undergoing treatments (e.g., for cancer) that may interact negatively with it. It also may not be recommended for children younger than age 5. 

Anyone who has had a history of a severe allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine should NOT receive the vaccine. Please consult with your doctor first.

Please consult your physician about the vaccines risks and benefits, and review CDC guides on ​​​​Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and the Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.

Should I take the vaccine if I’m pregnant, expecting, or breastfeeding?

If you are pregnant and get COVID-19, then you have an increased risk of being hospitalized or dying from the virus. You have an even greater risk if you have other chronic conditionsYou should discuss the risks and benefits of the vaccine with your provider.

Meanwhile, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), FDA, and CDC recommend that you take the vaccine if you are:  

  • considering getting pregnant, to prevent possible complications of the virus during pregnancy; 
  • currently pregnant, especially if you have other chronic conditions; or, 
  • breastfeeding, since the vaccine cannot get into the breast milk or affect your baby. You should not stop breast feeding to get the vaccine.  

Does the current vaccine protect against the new coronavirus strain?

Yes, experts believe the COVID-19 vaccines will be effective against this variant. According to the CDC, there is no evidence that the new variant strain is able to evade immunity induced by current COVID-19 vaccines.

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